Smith & wesson mp45 reviews
Smith & wesson mp45 reviews

smith & wesson mp45 reviews

It is set farther back than I’d like, and unless you have very short thumbs (in which case it might be ideal for you), this puts the skin in the web of your hand against the lever instead of the solid median joint or the pad of the thumb.


The manual safety on these guns is left side only, clearly geared for the right-handed shooter. But it just cries out to be holstered inside your waistband. It’s true that the M&P Shield is a bit large for a pocket pistol, particularly when you compare it to, for instance, S&W’s own diminutive little Bodyguard 380. 40 M&P Shield also had two magazines, a short six-rounder and a longer one that held seven. My 9mm M&P Shield came with a seven-round magazine and an eight-rounder with a longer floorplate, each of course allowing one more round to be safely carried in the chamber. RELATED: Gun Review – Smith & Wesson PC Model 929 Overall length is 6.1 inches, the barrel length is 3.1 inches, the height is 4.6 inches and the weight is 19 ounces unloaded. This allows it to ride easier on the hip or in the purse, and particularly inside the waistband. The Smith 7 Wesson M&P Shield is under an inch in thickness-0.95 inches to be exact. Reliable Design The Shield’s lineage from the original S&W M&P is obvious. The S&W executive in question confirmed that it was, and that regular M&P triggers were going to be nicer than before, too. The first thing I noticed was that the trigger pull was nicer-less “mushy” in both break and reset-than the standard-size M&P it so strongly resembles. This gun fits the profile of what I’ve come to call a “slim-nine”-a thin, flat pistol with a single-stack magazine that’s chambered for the full-power 9mm cartridge. I was impressed with it then, and after seeing and shooting several, I’m still impressed. It was placed there by a company executive.

smith & wesson mp45 reviews

I first had one in my hand at the NRA Annual Meeting in the spring of that year, in St.

smith & wesson mp45 reviews

The Shield variation of Smith & Wesson’s Military & Police (M&P) series was introduced in early 2012.

Smith & wesson mp45 reviews